How Long Can a Deer Feed a Family


I've read several post over the last couple months on here where people believe it is ridiculous for one person to kill more than v or 6 deer. They say at that place is no way some i needs that much meat.

I actually accept a problem with this, and hope all these people read this thread and stop acting like it's just mind boggling why someone wants more a few deer for the freezer.

Between me and my roommate we kill 20 to 25 deer a year hunting in SC and GA. I would say that we alone could eat every single one of these deer over the coarse of a year. In fact, we ran out of deer meat about a month agone. Nosotros exercise give some meat away to our parents and friends that don't chase just like getting free burger/steaks/ etc....

We incorporate deer meat in a meal just about every solar day. Whether it exist using burger in spaghetti or hamburger helper, or grilling tenderloins, making sausage patties, and keeping a constant supply of deer jerky in the house. Deer meat gets gone FAST!

It cracks me up every year at our deer military camp when guys become to the grocery store and come up back with hamburger meat to make every 1 chili dogs, and me knowing good and well they have plenty of deer burger in the freezer:huh:

Information technology'south all I can practice to choke down hamburger chili with all the gross Orangish oily fat stuff floating at the top of it.

Does everyone else on here swallow as much deer meat as me,
or practice almost people keep 1 or two deer a year and that's it for them?


I shot two deer in mid december and my family was out of deer meat by the end of febuary. Don't plan on doing that over again. fifty-fifty if I have to buy another freezer I'm putting downwards every deer I legally can this yr. ::ke:



I've only got 2 deer last year and I had to give away a agglomeration of meat. I just don't cook much, merely when I do it and it calls for any kind of meat I usually throw in deer meat.

I give more away to people that aren't fortunate enough...


I could probably eat 3 myself. My married woman and kids won't eat it, so i usually don't impale more than i can eat unless that 4th one is a wall hanger


Ive got a chest freezer and a stand up freezer and both of them could be full to the brim and notwithstanding be out of meat earlier next season. When you take 3 kids and ii of them are teens you can go trough some meat in a hurry. From bbq to breakfast sausage. Information technology is a definite cost cutter on groceries. I process my own every bit well and so thats saves me a little cash as well. Between myself and my 3 younguns thats a full of 48 deer that could exist in the freezer. Wishful thinking I asure yous. We unremarkably harvest well-nigh vi a twelvemonth and its no where near plenty.


I eat 3 deer in a flavour past my self.Dr said it was adept for me for my cholosteral.

Georgia Hard Hunter

I put 5 to six in the freezer every twelvemonth, we ran out in August, merely bear in mind I'yard feeding myself, my wife, and 4teenage boys. At present that I recall about it I'd better endeavor to limit out this twelvemonth. I rarely buy beefiness of any kind, Annihilation that calls for groung beef gets basis deer, I cut the roasts from the hind legs myself and so deer roasts is all we eat. I besides cut cubed chunks for stew meat, and grind the scrap for burger. If I had a cuber I won't ever go to the processer, $300 is a petty out of my cost range correct at present.


Land Limit is 12 or 14, I forget (Not that I have annihilation to worry near)

Hey All:

If you are eaten them, take the limit...

Allow me see, we added two...

Aye; that's 14 right... (Demand conformation here:banginghe)

2 Bucksters, 12 Does right total of xiv - (Need a ruling on the play here - I am sure someone volition correct me if I am incorrect :banginghe) That is legal...

Corn well (Yeah I know :offtopic:) That'due south illegal...

I try my best to have at to the lowest degree a ii - i ratio Doe to Cadet...

We swallow about three - iv Deer a year at the Ranch, simply there is but three of us...

Some Clubs only allow Members to take two or iii a yr... Imagine that, you lot pay $350 - 500 - 700 - k or more and lodge rules say - Got your limit... No Soup for yous...(I know :offtopic:)

Anyway, If you tin have the limit and eat all of that meat; I say go for it...

Hope yous process your own, as well as have a BIG OLE Cooler...

Tin can't look to meet more responses to this one...

Have a Skillful One!


two gives us more than enough for the twelvemonth


Nosotros get our meat processed just it ordinarily comes out to around a little less than a dollar for every pound of meat we become back, that's burger, steaks, and cube steaks. Sausage is a little extra.

We've been going to our processor a long time and I retrieve we're kind of grandfathered in on low prices.

He also has a weird way of pricing meat. If we bring him one average sized deer quartered and in the cooler information technology'll cost xxx to 35 bucks. Nevertheless, we can bring him 4 deer together in a 120 quart cooler and it'll simply be effectually 60 dollars.

i could consume a lot of deer.being diabetic and way mode overweight.long story there but many problems came in to play to cause severe disabilites. i could use it to the fullest. since i am no longer able to get out much i judge it is ,,,,no deer for y'all...oh well.i do love it though.

3 to four, and when I notice a sausage recipe I like, maybe 5. I bought an electric grinder final twelvemonth so I volition probably grind at least the equivalent of ane deer this year for burger, plus another 20-25 pounds for sausage. Jerky, cube steaks, stew meat, roasts, backstraps...


I impale 4-6 deer a season. I killed 5 last year and we are just about out of meat right now. The only store bought meat we eat is chicken, I kill or catch everything else.
Dorsum when my wife wasn't working if it wasn't for the deer I killed there would have been quite a few meatless days in my house.

I procedure my ain into ground, cubed, sausage, roasts, steaks and stewmeat. Being a meatcutter for seven years pays off.

Thats why I don't allow a legal deer walk, looks a whole lot meliorate on the plate(tastes even better going down) than walking off through the copse.

If someone has a trouble with the number of deer I kill or the size of the buck, I will tell them to pound sand.


I bought a deep freezer for hunting season and I'll fill it up. My roommates and friends all enquire me all year long for deer jerky. I try to get somewhere between 6-8 a year and it's mainly just my k/f and I eating steaks, spaghetti, burgers, and her favorite is fried deer. All the same just the two of us eating it and me constantly having hasty in bags set up for people to swallow, those deer volition only last until sometime in the summer.

Here in FL during archery nosotros tin can shoot two deer a day whether it'due south does or bucks, then the rest of the year it's two bucks a day except for i week out of the whole gun flavor that you lot can shoot does. Information technology'due south ridiculous. I load up on does equally much equally I can during archery and that one calendar week during gun. Then I'll normally become two bucks a yr on boilerplate. I tin can't come across the point in killing x bucks a year merely because y'all tin can here. I'd rather accept the doe meat and shoot anyone that comes in bow range.


usually ii or 3 for meat a year....... if i shoot more and so three its got horns

Eddy M.

my family could use 5-6 per year but my health bug take limited my ability to hunt and then if my son gets a deer we have some venison if non we usually have none--- cancer sucks:mad:



As many as i can fit into all the freezers i have. Aye i take more than one.

8-x deer usually gets my family through the yr-we augment that with enough of Ducks, Doves, Geese, and Wild Turkeys.....

My single best yr was 27 (mostly from SC)........ I had no problem using and /or donating the venison to family and friends.

We already ate upward the jerky from the deer I killed in Sept. I take another one at the processor that is now sausage..... I volition get it picked upwards tomorrow and go along rolling from at that place.

We love Venison. Remember of it this way- Organic, complimentary range meat........................

Between my son and myself nosotros put down 11 last year, nosotros gave ane to a campsite/society member that did'nt go ane and split 2 up between friends and family. That left eight for our freezer and equally of last weekend all we have left is one bag of stew meat and a few pounds of burger... Household is the married woman,myself and three sons then nosotros burn through the vittles at my place...


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